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Welcome To

"American Values - The Real RFK Jr."

Documentary Movie

We’re bringing Bobby’s chart-topping biography roaring to life on the big screen for voters on both sides of the aisle.

100% FREE to audiences everywhere this coming Spring…

Your generous support will help us to:

• Cover production costs

• Put this film into as many hands as possible from coast to coast, all over America, and the world

• Change the course of the upcoming election

Our Mission Is To Get Back To The Type Of Person We Used To Have Leading This Country

We're going to share Bobby’s story everywhere there’s an internet connection...

So voters can see through the lies, distortions and half truths being used to manipulate them.

Here’s The Deal:
We Make The Film, You Share It…

And Together, We Reclaim Our Freedom From The Tinpot Tyrants, War Jackals, And Greed-Obsessed Ghouls Haunting The Carpeted Corridors Of The White House

One man against the world…

Bobby’s spent decades defending marginalized American communities, families and children against government corruption, corporate greed, and a hopelessly captured media.

Now it’s our turn to help Bobby.

The Secret Service already denied him security protection.

This despite admitting he’s at risk from “adverse attention” after reading a 67-page report from a leading private security firm.

Next up… the media will starve him of attention so his campaign dies a slow and quiet death .

It’s not going to work.

Fact is, here at Jeff Hay Films, we’re going to make sure they fail..

But we’re NOT a part of Bobby’s campaign team.

We’re just a small team of filmmakers with our hearts set on the truth.

And In Case You Wondered, Here’s A Few Movies We Already Made

  • 'Fahrenhype 9/11' , a response to Michael Moore's 'Fahrenheit 9/11', which sold over 500,000 copies in the two weeks before the 2004 election

  • 'On Native Soil', narrated by Kevin Costner and Hilary Swank, about 9/11 victims’ families and the 9/11 Commission, shortlisted for an Academy Award

  • 'The United States vs. Andre Norman': A documentary on the poverty-to-prison pipeline for people of color in the US

And many more…

So we know a story worth sharing when we see one…

We know how to disrupt the media narrative…

And we’ve teamed up with Bobby’s biographer, Dick Russell to help us share the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Bobby’s personal biographer, the legendary Dick Russell, is helping us with historical accuracy.

“No praise can be too high for Russell’s mastery.” Publishers Weekly

Plus, the man himself, JFK Jr., is giving us exclusive ‘backstage’ access to his personal life AND generously donating his time on film.

And because with Bobby what you see is what you get…

He hasn’t asked us to ignore, edit, or bypass a single detail in his searing biography .

Tragedy, heartbreak, addiction, condemnation, activism, courtroom takedowns, arrests, heart-wrenching losses, crushing victories, profound spiritual discoveries…

And you’d better believe it - the poisoned chalice of politics - you’re getting the whole story, warts n’ all.

Could A Single Documentary Change The Course Of The Upcoming Presidential Election?

We’re about to find out…

Because when it comes to winning elections, the best story wins.

We all know Bobby has the truth on his side…

And we all know liars flee the truth…

But that’s only going to work if the truth is ALLOWED to be heard.

And if they won’t allow it…

Then we STOP asking permission and sound the alarm loud and clear.

We need to get back to the type of person we used to have leading this country.

And the way we do that is by telling Bobby’s story in glorious technicolor detail.

Then the everyday American who’s plugged into the media industrial complex will know who he really is.

Bobby’s not perfect (who is?)...

But once seen, there’s no unseeing the courage of this man…

Or his integrity…

Or the fight he’s carried on behalf of tired, weary and abused Americans…

Going toe-to-toe with the wealthiest corporations on earth…

Bringing them crawling to justice…

Helping countless disenfranchised Americans reclaim their land, health, and liberty.

Now ask yourself…

Is this the kind of leader we want for our nation?

Or do we want more of the same…

  • MORE endless wars killing innocent mothers, fathers, and children

  • MORE hardworking Americans losing their jobs as the homeless crisis hits exponential speed…

  • MORE environmental disasters as big government and bigger business destroy our children’s inheritance…

  • MORE illegal immigrants flooding the country in their millions, putting intolerable pressure on taxpayers AND construction and farmworkers, who are often priced out of a job

  • MORE companies boarding up their windows and leaving town, leading to crippled, dying communities as the economy nosedives… (do you believe inflation is only at 3% when your weekly shopping cart has doubled in price?)...

  • MORE censorship as the media-industrial-complex silences all dissenting views on everything from vaccines to war to the true inflation rate

It’s about more for them, and less for you.

So don’t expect an adult conversation based on the facts.

Bobby Will Be Laughed At, Ignored, Or Worse, Called A ‘Dangerous Conspiracy Theorist’ On Every Legacy News Channel From Manhattan To Chicago To Long Beach

It’s already started …

“[Bobby’s] not running to get rich. He’s trying to make things better, but he’s not allowed to have those conversations.

He’s been censored.

Notice, not there, not anywhere is a point-by-point rebuttal of his actual points.

They never engage him on the facts. They can’t. They would lose.

Instead, they impugn his character.”

—Tucker Carlson

Is The Propaganda Working?...

See For Yourself How People Reacted When Bobby Went On Piers Morgan Uncensored For A Full, Frank And Honest Conversation…

Here’s just some of the 10,337 comments…

Every comment seems to be a message of love for Bobby…

“Simply An Amazing Guy. The More They Censor Him, The More Loved And Admired He Becomes”

But censorship DOES work.

So just in case they got to you too…

Here’s a few fun facts about RFK Jr. the media would rather you didn’t know.

Fact One:
Protecting we the people from the big pharma profit machine

At the height of Covid…

When truth tellers were being deplatformed left, right, and center…

Bobby did the unthinkable and released his devastating book, The Real Anthony Fauci.

With one crushing blow, he exposed the hypocrisy, lies, and greed driving Fauci, Bill Gates, and big pharma to drive their $60 billion vaccine profits even higher, no matter the cost to everyone else.

The pharma-controlled legacy media pretended like nothing was happening.

But the internet being what it is, the book sold by the truckload anyway.

An astounding 19,752 five-star reviews on Amazon later shows where the power truly lies…

With We, The People.

“I deeply respect [Bobby], and I think if there’s anyone that deserves the Nobel Peace Prize, he is the one.”

—Robert W. Malone , MD, virologist, immunologist, molecular biologist

Fact Two:
Decades Of Blood, Sweat, And Tears Spent Protecting The Purity Of Our Air, Water, And Soil While Defending Our Children’s Health

A snapshot:

• 1997: Bobby sues Mobil oil to reverse its pollution of the Hudson River and wins. The waters clear, the fish return, and the iconic Bald Eagle comes home to roost.

2007: Bobby wins $396,000,000 for rural communities in West Virginia after a DuPont chemical plant contaminates them with Zinc

• 2013: Bobby and his son Conor protest the controversial Keystone Pipeline’s construction through native lands and protected wilderness, leading to them both being arrested

2018: Bobby secures $670,000,000 for communities in Ohio and West Virginia whose precious drinking water had been poisoned by C8 from industrial dumping and runoff

Dec 2022: Bobby’s Monsanto lawsuits have so far provided $11,000,000,000 (that’s trillion with a ‘t’) for farmers, their families, and employees who were exposed to the pesticide RoundUp

And that’s just a snapshot of what’s this courageous man has done for marginalized American communities abused by corporations and abandoned by their own government.

“Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has taken on the world’s most powerful corporations and held them accountable for harming people and the environment”

—Tony Robbins,
New York Times bestselling author

Fact Three:
Anyone Who Knows Bobby Knows Americans Can Rely On Him

He’s giving Americans on all sides of the political divide something far more precious than money…

He giving them hope.

Suddenly, people are having this ‘aha’ moment…

As they remember a different time…

When America didn’t wage permanent war.

When the voice of regular Americans mattered more than corporate interests.

When our North Star was life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Do you remember?

That America doesn’t belong in history books.

It belongs right here, right now, today.

Our film is going to help EVERYONE remember…

This Just In!

Bobby’s Already Polling At 22%...

That’s a HUGE number for an independent candidate.

And it’s only going to get better when our film adaptation of his biography goes viral (which is one reason it’s going to be freeview ).

We’re going to tell a story like never before…

About the Freedom to choose…

Freedom to disagree…

Freedom from the tyranny of corruption that robs us of affordable lives, steals our savings, trashes our future, divides families, and cancels our respect for each other...

All wrapped up in a deeply personal tale of tragedy, heartbreak, and soul-crushing addiction.

Declare Your Independence From Tyranny…

Back the film and claim your rewards.

Every contribution matters, no matter if it’s twenty five or twenty five thousand.

To express our appreciation…

We’ve created a selection of special rewards for all those who support us.

Thank you!


Digital copy of the film upon release

Witness history before anyone else even gets a look in.

Get permanent digital access to the film of the year so you can watch and share with anyone you want and take the message of hope viral.

You are the architect of tomorrow, side-stepping a hopelessly out-of-touch media with a rebel spirit to wake up the masses. 💪

More power to you.

Digital copy of the Book + Film

Watch or read, or read and watch, it’s up to you.

But when the bullsh*t bombs start flying in the media…

And they will…

You’ll have the facts to diffuse the danger with that *annoyingly* persistent quality the talking heads on TV sometimes seem to hate…

The truth.

Social media rockstar, dinner table champion, undefeated in mortal combat AND political debate…

You’re built from pure, solid gold 🏆

Digital copy of the Film + 10 hrs bonus footage

Get permanent digital access to the film of the year, PLUS…

Ten full hours of behind the scenes bonus footage and full-length interviews.

For the record…

This won’t be seen anywhere else or any time publicly.

It’s private, personal, and only for you.

You’re the ‘news hacker’...

Here with the inside scoop to leave your friends and family open-mouthed, wide-eyed, and wondering how you do it. 🕵️



Get the film and Book shipped to you on a single elegantly slender thumb drive + Special Thanks

Here’s the thing…

You can share a link in an email, but it gets filed under ‘later’ and swiftly forgotten.

But share a thumbdrive, and people get curious.

They feel like they’re carrying a secret in their pocket.

And they want to know…

What is it you know they don’t know but could know if they only knew what you’re inviting them to know?

Or maybe you’re not into sharing.

Could be you’re more into collectibles, and you’d like to read the book and watch the film yourself.

Your choice, and you’ll have our gratitude either way…

Because you’re the guardian of the secret flame…

The true friend who always has our back 🔥

Pre-Release Private Group Screening Of Film + Special Thank You Listing In The Film Credits + Special Thanks

Everyone loves a two-for-one offer, so here it is…

Come to our pre-release private group screening of the film, have an awesome time, and meet like-minded souls.

Then when the credits role, see your name up in lights on the silver screen.

Fact is, millions of Americans will see your name in the limelight…

With a special ‘Thank You’ credit that tells the world you stood up to be counted when it mattered most.

Plus, you’ll get to see the film first, before anyone else has a look in.

So when the hype is spreading like wildfire on social, at the water cooler, or in the coffee shop, you’ll be ready with the early hot take.

Faster than Twitter, faster than YouTube, even faster than Google…

You are the prophet. ✌️

Your family, friend and colleagues will be impressed, excited, and more than a little curious…

DVD signed by The Director and Producer + Special Thanks

Collectors’ edition DVD shipped to your doorstep exclusively signed by:

The film Director, Ron Lynch

The film Producer, Jeff Hays

Invite friends round for a film night with snacks.

Let the buzz begin.

Because you are the Curator.

You play anyway you want! 😻

VIP online viewing with cast and director + Special Thanks

One for serious film fans in search of the hot take…

A small group of VIP’s will be personally invited to view the film online before anyone else.

This is a priority early release screening…

It’s happening LIVE with key members of the the cast…

The producer, Jeff Hays, and director, Ron Lynch, will be there too…

And yep, there will be a live Q&A to follow.

That means you get to ask us anything you want. Ask about RFK Jr., the making of the film, or get no-nonsense advice on making your own way in the film industry from the award-winning producer who’s founded and grown multiple successful companies.

Your questions, your choice.

You’ll walk away with a deeper understanding of the film, the themes sending shockwaves through American politics, and hey, you’ll get to meet us too.

We promise to be somewhat interesting ;)

You are the Seeker. More power to you. 🔎



2 Tickets to Live Salt Lake City Premier + Special Thanks

Go one level higher…

Give your spouse, parter, date, associate, or friend a night they’ll remember forever.

We’ve all seen the glitz and glamor of Hollywood premiers, the red carpet, the indulgence and excess… This isn’t that at all.

Well, maybe just a little ;)

Fact is we’re a lot more humble.

But there will be journalists, photographers, the chance to rub shoulders with some truly impressive special guests, and a whole lot of fun.

When security pulls aside the purple cordon and invites you inside…

You’ll be walking into a different world.

Our world.

The world of the limelight, movie magic, and the making of history.

We’ll be overjoyed to meet you, and rest assured, you and your guest will have a fun night to remember.

One caveat: The premier is happening in Salt Lake City, and we’re unable to cover travel expenses.

But for the right person, that’s okay. Because you are the adventurer, and it’s time to discover 🌟

Associate Producer credit + all other available perks

Rise up to receive your prestigious reward…

Your big, bold, beautiful name in the limelight when the credits roll…

Followed by those magical words - “Associate Producer”.

Your status as an elite producer means this movie could never have happened without you.

You helped history happen…

And everyone who sees your name will know.

It’s a fun talking point…

But it’s also a legacy of your commitment to liberty.

You are the creator - and we all love you for it 🌟🌟🌟

Executive Producer credit + all available perks

Ascend to the highest level of mastery…

Step into the inner circle as an Executive Produce of the series, without having to lift a finger.

We’ll do all the creative work for you.

But your generous donation earns you the highest honor - displayed for all to see  on the big screen when the credits roll.


Your legacy recorded in cinematic history, and on the big screen, forever.

The world will know you stand behind your principles, give generously, and make history happen.

And you won’t have to breathe a word.

No doubt about it… $25,000 is a sizeable chunk of change for most people, including us.

So, no hard feelings if this is falls outside your budget.

But if you can comfortably afford this pledge…

Then allow us to write your name proudly in the pages of American history.

Plus, on top of leaving your indelible mark, you get all these other fun perks to enjoy and share - our way of saying thank you.

- Digital copy of the film upon release
- Digital copy of the Book + Film
- Digital copy of the Film + 10 hrs bonus footage
- Physical copy of film and Book shipped to you on a thumb drive
-Pre-release private group screening of Film + Special Thanks listing
- DVD signed byThe Director and Book Author
- VIP online viewing with cast and director.

You are Neo… Breaking free of the Matrix, and taking everyone with you 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟



- Digital copy of the film upon release
- Digital copy of the Book + Film
- Digital copy of the Film + 10 hrs bonus footage


- Physical copy of film and Book shipped to you on a thumb drive
-Pre-release private group screening of Film + Special Thanks listing
- DVD signed by The Director and Book Author
- VIP online viewing with cast and director.

How your money helps

We’ve already raised already half of our $750,000 total and filming is underway.

Now we’re asking anyone who believes in the cause - and has the funds - to help us raise the final $375,000.

Your pledge will create a best-in-class documentary film that does Bobby’s story justice and cements his place in American history.

And so you know…

The response we’ve had from the crew on set has been nothing short of inspiring.

Everyone’s hyped to be part of this unique moment and spread the message.

We plan on reaching as many Americans as possible, while showing the rest of the world we can still make ‘em like we used to…

We really do have the resolute, incorruptible leader the rest of the world is hoping to see sitting behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office again.

The world depends on America…

America depends on you…

And would you look at that…

We depend on you too 🙂

It’s time to be the hero of your own life and help us create a real ‘movie moment’.

Any additional funds will be used to reach even more Americans with fun marketing campaigns they love talking about.

Meet The Team

Jeff Hays

Dear Friend,

Let me introduce Jeff Hays Films—a project I’m privileged to serve as both producer and director.

Here’s a short list of notable moments so far:

• 'Fahrenhype 9/11', a response to Michael Moore's 'Fahrenheit 9/11', which sold over 500,000 copies in two weeks before the 2004 election

'On Native Soil', narrated by Kevin Costner and Hilary Swank, about 9/11 victims’ families and the 9/11 Commission, and shortlisted for an Academy Award

'The Fix': Documentary series based on Johann Hari's 'Chasing the Scream,' made into an Academy Award-nominated film and an eight-part TV series hosted by Samuel L. Jackson

'Roost': A narrative film produced for Amy Redford, which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival in September 2022

• 'The United States vs. Andre Norman' : Exposing the uncomfortable truth about the poverty-to-prison pipeline for people of color in the US

Crafting these films involves an extraordinary team, many of whom, owing to the nature of our projects, work tirelessly without formal credit.

They dedicate themselves to this shared vision so we can plant seeds, win hearts, and change minds.

We are extremely grateful for any help you can give.

I know times are not exactly easy for everyone right now.

But that’s why we need to get Bobby’s story out there to as many people as possible.

And if we all pitch in what we can, no matter how small or large, then anything can - and often will - happen.

So here’s to your health, and here’s to your happiness, and thanks again from all of us here.

You make the dream work,

Jeff Hays

Ron Lynch

Ron Lynch is a unique guy in the business, film and marketing world.

He is a prominent direct response television producer, screenwriter, director, inventor, author, investor and philanthropist. He entered the entertainment world when Robert Altman discovered him in 1986 and gave him a role in The Caine Mutiny Court Martial, which landed him a SAG card and subsequent roles in films with Shirley MacLaine, River Phoenix and William Devane. He stayed on each film in a variety of crew jobs to learn how films are made.

His “day job” as a retail grocer offered him the business background. Working his way up eventually being an Operational Director specializing in gourmet retail installations and store turn-arounds for at risk independent store owners. He was recognized as Retail Grocer of the Year in 1997 in the Associated Grocers network of stores.

In the days following 9/11 optioned a screenplay to Sam Perlmutter, George Foreman’s Agent, leveraging that connection out of retail into television advertising production. To date he has directed over 300 television commercials and brought in 5.5 Billion Dollars in DRTV orders for clients including GoPro, Samsung, S.C. Johnson Wax, OrangeGlo and 300 more products.

He has previously made two documentaries, “Polé Polé- (Swahili) The Slow Walk”, chronicling Rebecca Dufek’s attempted ascent of Mt. Kilimanjaro to highlight her medical condition. Suffering from neurofibromitosis Type 2 has let her with dozens of brain tumors that cause pressure limiting hearing, sight, balance and mobility.

His second film City of Songs, covers the exploits of guitar legend Charlie Sexton (Bowie, Dylan, Costello) as he travels to Sweden to cultivate an album of young artists from 6 nations writing and recording an entire album in one week then playing the music live in front of a studio audience in a massive 20 ton igloo as a venue, the instruments all made from ice as well.

On March 14, 2020- the first day of covid, Ron launched the global feeding network charity, Intellihelp. Utilizing tech to connect people in need and givers, this UBER meets the Red Cross model connecting over 100,000 members internationally in a matter of weeks. Intellihelp fed over 3 million meals each year to children in need during the pandemic.

An author of several books including “Buy Now”- A Guide to Direct Marketing (2011), “A Screenwriter’s Guide to Tribulation” (2020) and the upcoming “It’s a Circus Out There” 2024 which is in development as a feature film.

His passion for creative storytelling is grounded in curiosity, truth, humor and compelling discovery of the truth and humanity in everything he creates.

In Case You Have Questions…

Who is making the film?

Jeff Hays Films. Jeff Hays is an award-winning producer and director and has been in the film business for over 20 years. He produced Roost, a feature film directed by Amy Redford that is premiering at the Toronto Film Festival in September. His film documentary series The Fix, an adaptation of the NY Times bestseller Chasing The Scream is currently streaming on Roku. Hays’ films are seen by millions of people annually. Hays’ film On Native Soil from 2005 was shortlisted for an Academy Award, and can be viewed on Amazon Prime. He has gathered a spectacular team making this film, many of whom are working without credit to protect their careers.

How closely is the documentary based on the book ‘The Real RFK Jr.: Trials of a Truth Warrior’ ?

As close as it can be while respecting the difference between the two mediums.

Films are visual, books are mindful. The way we accommodate this difference is by zeroing in on key plot points. This allows us to keep the running time within enjoyable limits for the audience. The book itself was written by Bobby’s close friend, internationally celebrated writer Dick Russell. Both Dick AND Bobby are hands on with the film. They’re giving us feedback to keep things accurate while respecting our artistic integrity. One thing’s for sure… This is the most accurate and honest adaptation of Bobby’s book you’re ever likely to see. “No praise can be too high for Russell’s mastery. Publishers Weekly “Dick Russell’s investigative and writing skills top the list.” —Jesse Ventura

Is my contribution tax deductible?

Unfortunately, your contribution is not tax-deductible.

It’s important to note this is a transaction—a purchase.

Your valuable contribution warrants a corresponding perk, aligning with the chosen contribution amount.

So while we think your generosity 100% deserves a tax break…

The man in the gray suit holding the calculator who has the entire police force and military backing him up doesn’t. (Maybe we can ask Bobby to change that?)

What will you do with the money?

Same thing we always do…

Make a magical movie moments that wins heart and change minds.

The film budget is $750,000.

So far we have half of that raised, which is great as filming is well under-way!

‘All’ we need now is the second $375,000 to finish the film.

Any remaining funds raised will support a fun, viral marketing campaign to put this film into as many hands as possible, 100% free of charge to the viewer.

When will I receive my crowdfunding perk?

First up, THANK YOU!

We couldn’t make this film without your help.

We don’t take your support lightly, and we promise to make every dollar go as far as possible. Moving on to your goodies…

The pre-release will be 7-10 days before the film is released to the public.We expect digital rewards to be available when the film premieres in February, with physical components following shortly afterward. You’ll get an email confirmation email with additional details the second your contribution is received and processed.Fun times ahead!

What Happens If We Don't Meet Our Target?

Failure is not an option.

Because when it comes to reclaiming our freedom, there is no plan B.

We'll do everything it takes...

To get this funding goal over the line...

To give you the most exciting, dramatic, and honest documentary film about Bobby Kennedy's life you'll ever see made...

And distributed FREE...

So every American - no matter how far out in the country they live..

And the billions of people all over the world who are biting their nails raw...

All watching, waiting and praying to see RFK Jr. restore dignity, respect, and freedom to the White House...

We want all of them to watch, feel the fire, and spread the word.

This time, let's make sure the government happens FOR the people, not in spite of the people.

Let's make sure the president we need is also the president we want.

And let's make darn sure the next 4 years build America up instead of tearing down the fabric of our society.

This is a once in a generation opportunity.

Hope is happening now.

So please give generously (but only what you can comfortably afford, no matter how small or large).

Thank you!


Executive Producer credit + all available perks

Ascend to the highest level of mastery…

Step into the inner circle as an Executive Produce of the series, without having to lift a finger.

We’ll do all the creative work for you.

But your generous donation earns you the highest honor - displayed for all to see  on the big screen when the credits roll.

Plus, on top of leaving your indelible mark, you get all other perks to enjoy and share - our way of saying thank you.

Associate Producer credit + all other available perks

Rise up to receive your prestigious reward…

Your big, bold, beautiful name in the limelight when the credits roll…

Followed by those magical words - “Associate Producer”.

Your status as an elite producer means this movie could never have happened without you.

You helped history happen…

And everyone who sees your name will know.

2 Tickets to Live Salt Lake City Premier + Special Thanks

Give your spouse, parter, date, associate, or friend a night they’ll remember forever.

One caveat: The premier is happening in Salt Lake City, and we’re unable to cover travel expenses.



VIP online viewing with cast and director + Special Thanks

One for serious film fans in search of the hot take…

A small group of VIP’s will be personally invited to view the film online before anyone else.

This is a priority early release screening…

It’s happening LIVE with key members of the the cast…

The producer, Jeff Hays, and director, Ron Lynch, will be there too…

And yep, there will be a live Q&A to follow.

That means you get to ask us anything you want. Ask about RFK Jr., the making of the film, or get no-nonsense advice on making your own way in the film industry from the award-winning producer who’s founded and grown multiple successful companies.

DVD signed by The Director and Book Author + Special Thanks

Collectors’ edition DVD shipped to your doorstep exclusively signed by:

The film Director, Ron Lynch

The film Producer, Jeff Hays

Invite friends round for a film night with snacks.

Let the buzz begin.

Pre-Release Private Group Screening Of Film + Special Thank You Listing In The Film Credits

Everyone loves a two-for-one offer, so here it is…

Come to our pre-release private group screening of the film, have an awesome time, and meet like-minded souls.

Then when the credits role, see your name up in lights on the silver screen.

Fact is, millions of Americans will see your name in the limelight…

With a special ‘Thank You’ credit that tells the world you stood up to be counted when it mattered most.

Plus, you’ll get to see the film first, before anyone else has a look in.

Get the film and Book shipped to you on a single elegantly slender thumb drive + Special Thanks

Here’s the thing…

You can share a link in an email, but it gets filed under ‘later’ and swiftly forgotten.

But share a thumbdrive, and people get curious.

They feel like they’re carrying a secret in their pocket.

And they want to know…

What is it you know they don’t know but could know if they only knew what you’re inviting them to know?



Digital copy of the Film + 10 hrs bonus footage

Ten full hours of behind the scenes bonus footage and full-length interviews.

For the record…

This won’t be seen anywhere else or any time publicly.

It’s private, personal, and only for you.
Get permanent digital access to the film of the year, PLUS…

Digital copy of the Book + Film

But when the bullsh*t bombs start flying in the media…

And they will…

You’ll have the facts to diffuse the danger with that *annoyingly* persistent quality the talking heads on TV sometimes seem to hate…

The truth.
Watch or read, or read and watch, it’s up to you.

Digital copy of the film upon release

Get permanent digital access to the film of the year so you can watch and share with anyone you want and take the message of hope viral. Witness history before anyone else even gets a look in.




Contributor Information

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Contribution Summary

Charge will Appear from Jeff Hays Films






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